Sunday, January 18, 2009

2008 Year at a Glance

Photos by Ben Galichia

I must say that last year was a good year. We came through the year all healthy and ended up with some great inventory. This year we had the opportunity to conduct a couple of excellent Estate Sales. The first was a long time Captain for American Airlines. This world traveler had some fabulous collections in aviation dating back to the early 30's. Along with his collections came his wife's, a long time antique collector/dealer. ----To end the year we were blessed - or cursed - with an unbelievable home so stuffed with wonderful antiques that it made things quite challenging. John was the personal beautician for Greer Garson for years. The stories we heard about the world travels of John (many not being able to be repeated) made this business relationship quite special. John's Rolls Royce, the $10,000+ centerpiece we sold, and art collection were inspiring, not to mention the flower gardens he created. Both Spring and Fall Roundtop/Warrenton Antique Shows turned out to be our top shows ever. The weather was cooperative and so was the buying. Zapp Hall has always been good for us. The atmosphere with Cheryl & Mike LeHane and Cheryl's family have made us feel like a part of their family. Considering we have been in the same Zapp Hall location for the past 16 years tends to bond one another. Our baby (Ben) that spent his first Roundtop in a bassinet under a display will be going to College in a few years. His love/hate relationship with the business is now beginning to blossom: from the Pokemon booth he once thrived at, to his paintings that he sold, to his Butterfly Collections, to now-Photography (his latest passion). Just wondering if someday he may advance his skills to a Cosmetic Surgery booth at Zapp Hall, since he's considering a career in medicine.

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